Michael A. Wright

Michael A. Wright


Campbell, Iain D. Exploring Ruth: A Devotional Commentary. EB. DayOne Publications, 2010.
Michael A. Wright Michael A. Wright June 19, 2020
If there were a 3.5 star rating, I would likely chose this as my honest review. This commentary is a helpful aid for studying Ruth with insightful historical context & nuance not understood by surface reading. This commentary is very "devotional" in nature as the subtitle indicates. It is thus not highly academic in its presentation, making it accessible to the layperson. I did notice lack of precision in accurate detail in few places. In one instance the commentator mentions "corn" in referring to the harvest. This would most certainly have been barley in context as Ruth returns with Naomi in Bethlehem to "the House of Bread." I would not allow this oversight to discount the otherwise helpful content in this devotional commentary. One would be wise to consult this resource in their study of this precious Old Testament book.