

in Understanding the Bible Old Testament

by Craig C. Broyles

3 Rank Score: 3.22 from 1 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 6 user libraries
Pages 539
Publisher Hendrickson
Published 1/1/1999
ISBN-13 9781565632202


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The NIBC is by Craig Broyles. He has a little more depth than Wilcock's BST, with a little more of an eye toward the kinds of questions I'm interested in, but it's still fairly brief. You'll find a lot more in VanGemeren (EBC) or Wilson (NIVAC), and even Kidner (TOTC) will answer a lot of questions not dealt with in either Broyles or Wilcock. Broyles is much more recent than VanGemeren or especially Kidner. His perspective seems to me to be a little closer to the moderate or moderate conservative viewpoint. [Full Review]