Ezekiel 1: 1–24
Ezekiel 1: 1–24
Ezekiel 1: 1–24


in Hermeneia

by Walther Zimmerli

4.6 Rank Score: 5.36 from 5 reviews, 2 featured collections, and 7 user libraries
Ezekiel 1: 1–24
Pages 2
Publisher Fortress Press
Published 8/1/1979
ISBN-13 9780800660086
Ezekiel 2: 25–48
Pages 2
Publisher Fortress Press
Published 11/1/1983
ISBN-13 9780800660109


This book appears in the following featured collections.


Add Your Review

This English translation of the original 1969 German is a classic, magisterial commentary that attends to the minute details of Ezekiel’s text, which one expects from Hermeneia commentaries. Outdated in some ways (e.g., intense focus on redactional arguments), it is still an important resource
Jim Rosscup Jim Rosscup September 20, 2008
Massive commentary within the form critical and tradition history traditions. [Full Review]
Unattributed-m Unattributed-m May 27, 2008