The Queer Bible Commentary
The Queer Bible Commentary

The Queer Bible Commentary

by eds. West, Mona; Shore-Goss, Robert

Pages 878
Publisher SCM Press
Published 10/31/2022
ISBN-13 9780334060789


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Kelvin Holdsworth Kelvin Holdsworth March 14, 2023
In method and mood, this book owes a great debt to feminist scholarship, a debt that is freely acknowledged. Alternate and diverse readings of texts abound. This is theology that is challenging, subversive and above all playful. It is unusual to find such a serious theological work which contains so much humour. [Full Review]
Richard Briggs Richard Briggs March 14, 2023
Indeed in general hermeneutics does not seem to be the strong suit. Thankfully, other contributors seem uneasy with a ‘whatever proves useful to us’ approach, and thus the LGBT community may feel well-served by much of this compendium, which manages to discern points of relevance not perhaps widely noticed by other interpreters. An opening essay by Ronald E. Long tackles head-on those relatively few texts which discuss homosexual behaviour, and rehearses familiar arguments for saying that Christians should not see these as proscribing contemporary homosexual relationships. [Full Review]