JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary
JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary

JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary

in JPS Bible Commentary

by Jeffrey K. Salkin

Pages 424
Publisher Jewish Publication Society of America
Published 4/1/2017
ISBN-13 9780827612525
For too many Jewish young people, bar/bat mitzvah has been the beginning of the end of their Jewish journeys. When students perceive the Torah as incomprehensible or irrelevant, many form the false impression that Judaism has nothing to say to them.

Enter the game-changer: The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary shows teens in their own language how Torah addresses the issues in their world. The conversational tone is inviting and dignified, concise and substantial, direct and informative. The narrative summaries, “big” ideas, model divrei Torah, haftarot commentaries, and discussion questions will engage teens in studying the Torah and haftarot, writing divrei Torah, and continuing to learn Torah throughout their lives—making it the book every rabbi, cantor, parent, and tutor will also want to have.


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