Literary Sparks

Literary Sparks

Love literary fiction, but religious non-fiction plays a large role in my life. Every weekend is set aside for religious studies.
Occupation Literary Fiction Reviewer
Education PhD


Culpepper, R. Alan. Mark. SHBC. Smyth & Helwys, 2007.
Literary Sparks Literary Sparks December 26, 2017
Wish the author leaned heavier on translations, but over all, I liked this commentary and have a better appreciation of Mark.
Ben Zehabe, Michael. Song of Songs: The Book For Daughters. MISSING PUB, 2012.
Literary Sparks Literary Sparks December 26, 2017
This was my biggest surprise of 2017. A relative bought this for me and it sat for months (I dread the subject--too complex). But, great translators have a way of simplifying the complex. Quite organized.
Sweeney, Marvin A. I and II Kings. OTL. Westminster John Knox, 2007.
Literary Sparks Literary Sparks December 26, 2017
Just finished reading this, because I was studying Saul. I appreciated the Hebrew details that I couldn't get in other commentaries.
Ben Zehabe, Michael. A Commentary on Jonah. MISSING PUB, 2011.
Literary Sparks Literary Sparks December 26, 2017
I have grandchildren who use this in their homeschool group, but I use it more than they do.
Garrett, Duane A.; House, Paul R. Song of Songs, Lamentations. WBC. Thomas Nelson, 2004.
Literary Sparks Literary Sparks December 26, 2017
Shop around before using this commentary. Much better commentaries available.