isbn:0801062853 from books.google.com
Features commentaries by J. Alec Motyer (Zephaniah and Haggai), Thomas McComiskey (Zechariah), and Douglas Stuart (Malachi). Ideal for pastors and students.
isbn:0801062853 from books.google.com
Jeffrey Niehaus, Joyce Baldwin-Caine, Bruce Waltke, Tremper Longman Ill, and F.F. Bruce provide exegesis, exposition, notes on background, date, and authorship. Fresh translation and NRSV text.
isbn:0801062853 from books.google.com
The most authoritative, consistently evangelical treatment on the prophetic message, this is one of the first commentaries to use the NRSV. Includes expository thoughts on the prophets' teachings and applications of the message.