Commentary on Galatians
Commentary on Galatians

Commentary on Galatians

in Oxford Early Christian Texts

by Marius Victorinus

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 430
Publisher Oxford University Press
Published 2005
ISBN-13 9780198270270
This is the first English translation of Marius Victorinus' commentary on Galatians. Analytical notes, full bibliography, and a lengthy introduction make this book a valuable resource for the study of the first Latin commentator on Paul. No such comparable work exists in English; and this volume engages fully with German, French, and Italian scholarship on Victorinus' commentaries. A number of themes receive special treatment in a lengthy introduction: the relation of Victorinus' exegetical efforts to the trinitarian debates; the iconography of the apostle Paul in mid-fourth-century Rome; Victorinus' exegetical methodology; his intentions as a commentator; and the question of his influence on later Latin commentators (Ambrosiaster and Augustine).


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