Reading Mark: A Literary and Theological Commentary
Reading Mark: A Literary and Theological Commentary

Reading Mark: A Literary and Theological Commentary

in Reading the New Testament (2nd Series)

by F. Scott Spencer

Pages 362
Publisher Smyth & Helwys
Published 2023
ISBN-13 978-1-64173-396-0
Mark, the second and shortest Gospel, is far from second-rate or short-sighted. This commentary by F. Scott Spencer provides a lively literary and theological reading of Mark’s remarkable story of the “good news of God” embodied in Jesus Christ. It carefully tracks the developing characters, unfolding plot, and key themes marking the “way” of God from Jesus’s baptism to his empty tomb, with a special eye to surprising detours and crossroads along the way—impelling Jesus to a literal cross.

Spencer uses a variety of analytical methods, paying special attention to intertextual links between Mark and the Old Testament. Mark’s edgy emotional portrait of Jesus and other characters displays poignant elements of anger, anguish, grief, frustration, fear, and other “passions.” Throughout the narrative, Jesus engages in life-and-death battles with oppressive forces, spiritual and political, giving his life to liberate (redeem) weak and vulnerable persons. Mark’s passionate, powerful message continues to challenge and encourage readers today.


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