1–2 Peter and Jude
1–2 Peter and Jude

1 Peter

in Wisdom Commentary Series

by Pheme Perkins

Rank Score: 4.1 from 0 reviews, 1 featured collections, and 0 user libraries
Pages 360
Publisher Liturgical Press
Published 2022
ISBN-13 9780814682067
Reading 1 Peter through the lens of feminist and diaspora studies keeps front and center the bodily, psychological, and social suffering experienced by those without stable support of family or homeland, whether they were economic migrants or descendants of those enslaved by Roman armies. In the new “household” of God, believers are encouraged to exhibit a moral superiority to the society that engulfs them. But adoption of “elite” values cannot erase the undertones of randomized verbal abuse, general scorn, and physical violence that women, immigrants, slaves, and freedmen faced as the “facts of life.” First Peter offers the “honor” of identifying with the Crucified, “by his bruises you are healed” (2:24). A Christian liberation ethic would challenge 1 Peter’s approach.


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