Ecclesiastes Through the Centuries
Ecclesiastes Through the Centuries

Ecclesiastes Through the Centuries

in Blackwell Bible Commentaries

by Eric Christianson

Rank Score: 4.02 from 0 reviews, 0 featured collections, and 1 user libraries
Pages 336
Publisher Wiley-Blackwell
Published 2012
ISBN-13 9780470674918
Over the centuries, Ecclesiastes has influenced numerous and diverse aspects of life and thought. Ecclesiastes Through the Centuries assesses the effects of the book on the culture of the various times in religious, artistic, and social contexts.

  • Presents an innovative, reception history approach to the study of Ecclesiastes, by tracing its influence on religion, culture, literature, art, and social thought
  • Explores a fascinating range of Jewish and Christian readings
  • Features engaging and unusual examples from art, music, literature and history: from Thackeray and Orwell, to Salvador Dali’s Illustrated Bible, to the inflammatory exposition of Ecclesiastes at the funeral of Queen Mary
  • Published in the innovative Blackwell Bible Commentaries series; for further information visit the series website at



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