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Exalting Jesus in John (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary | CCE)

, 2017
ISBN: 9781087794464

Digital Logos Edition

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Exalting Jesus in John is part of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books.

Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition presented as sermons and divided into chapters that conclude with a “Reflect & Discuss” section, making this series ideal for small group study, personal devotion, and even sermon preparation. It’s not academic but rather presents an easy reading, practical and friendly commentary.

The author of Exalting Jesus in John is Matt Carter and Josh Wredberg.

Resource Experts
  • Seeks to display exegetical accuracy
  • Offers helpful illustrations and theologically-driven applications
  • Provides a commentary that busy pastors can use for weekly preparation of biblically faithful and gospel-saturated sermons

Top Highlights

“To believe means we must acknowledge the claims of Jesus, yield our allegiance to him, and place our trust in him as the only hope of salvation from sin and death.” (John 3:17)

“‘That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it’ (1:5). Look at these two verbs. John says ‘that light shines.’ Shines is in the present tense. He’s saying, ‘The light is still shining in the darkness.’ Now look at the next phrase: ‘The darkness did not overcome it.’ Here John uses a verb that signifies a completed action: The darkness has done everything it could: it schemed and plotted, but it ran out of ideas. No matter what the darkness does, the light will still shine; it will not be overcome. What an awesome truth! Jesus Christ is still shining in this dark world. The light can still be seen.” (John 1:4–5)

“Jesus isn’t saying, ‘If you want me to love you, you have to obey.’ He’s saying, ‘If you love me, you demonstrate it through obedience.’ Obedience doesn’t earn love. Obedience is the evidence of love.” (John 15:7–17)

“When Jesus calls himself the true vine, he’s indicating the existence of a false vine.” (John 15:1–6)

“Never forget the grace that flows freely from Jesus Christ. If God was willing to send his Son to be born as a man and to die as a criminal for you, do you think he’ll ever withhold his grace from you? If your faith is in Jesus Christ, then from him abundant, overflowing, amazing grace is being poured out. God’s grace is sufficient. Never lose sight. Never lose hope. His grace will lead you home.” (John 1:14–18)


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